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Web archiving: The National Ploughing Championship

Using the NLI's web archive portal, you can take a look back at the National Ploughing Championship from past years

Thursday, 14 September 2023
Aerial photograph of the World Ploughing Championships 1954 in Kerry

World Ploughing Championships 1954, Killarney, Co. Kerry (NPA MOR603)

The National Library of Ireland collects born-digital formats in a bid to capture and preserve the recorded memory of Ireland in all its forms, including the digital history of the National Ploughing Championship.

The NLI has archived the Irish web on a selective basis since 2011. We recognise the intrinsic cultural value of information published on the web and the need to preserve this material for current and future generations. It is also an opportunity to work with Born-Digital collections and to enable users to work with the NLI collections, in new and innovative ways.
You can search and access our web archive portal here.
The National Ploughing Championships (or NPC, previously known as The National Ploughing Championships Machinery & Livestock Exhibition) takes place each year in September. Since its inception in 1931, it has grown to become one of the largest annual events in Ireland. This outdoor agricultural show incorporates a ploughing contest. It draws over 1,700 exhibitors and had 297,000 visitors in 2019. The NLI has archived their website over the years, which you can browse here.